News from the Pews

Sunday School Has Resumed!

Sunday School classes are now meeting again as of the first Sunday of March. We have made a few adaptations to help with the safety of our church family. We have combined some of the classes together so that we can use fewer meeting areas and have shifted classes around based on their anticipated sizes.

1) The two adult classes (D.O.R and Bible Basics) have combined and are led by Betty Newton. Due to this generally being our largest class they are meeting in the Old Fellowship Hall.

2) A new adult Discipleship Class has formed and is under the leadership of Jodi Correll. As the second-largest class they are meeting in the Teen Room of the garage across the street.

3) The teens (6th-12th) are combined and are meeting with David Blaize in the large classroom at the rear of the Sanctuary.

4) All children (5th & under) are being taught by Shirley Graham in the C.E. Wing.

We are not holding any classes in the Sanctuary itself in order so that we do not have to take time between Sunday School & Morning Worship for sanitizing the Sanctuary.

Come and join us at 9:30 on Sunday mornings!