Newcomer Information
Is it your first time visiting us? Walking into a church for the first time can be an intimidating experience, so we hope some of the following information can set your heart at ease before you even step in the door. Of course no website will answer all your questions, so if you need any more information please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible!
Thanks to Jeremy Church for the drone photo!
Where is the church?
Where do I park?
Which entrance should I use?
We are located between 2nd & 3rd Streets, just one block off Main. We have a sizable parking lot, but if there isn't space we have permission to use the parking at the German American Bank across the street or the Farm Bureau lot on Main Street (don't worry - there's a staircase leading up to the church!) There are two entrances - feel free to use either one. The entrance under the awning leads into our Christian Education Wing which is a straight shot to the foyer. The entrance in the corner of the building leads directly into the foyer.
What is the schedule on a "normal" Sunday morning?
We have Sunday School for all ages - preschool through adult - from 9:30 to 10:15 AM. We typically have about 20-25 people in attendance spread across four different classes. Class sizes are small and you are absolutely welcome to join us. If you aren’t sure where to go, just ask! We would be happy to help you find the correct room.
Just interested in attending the service? That's okay, too! The Sanctuary opens at 10:15 and the people spend the next 15 minutes finding seats, greeting one another, or just listening to the music. Expect a very relaxed atmosphere and a VERY friendly congregation.
A typical service opens with a song and announcements. This is followed by Praise Notes - an opportunity for individuals to give short praises for things that have happened in their lives. (Don't panic - no one is called on for this and this is not obligatory!) There is also an opportunity to share prayer requests before the Pastor leads us in prayer. We have a few more songs led by our Worship Team, followed by the sermon. The service typically closes with a song and/or a prayer. Most Sundays the service is done between 11:45 & 12:00.
Our empty Sanctuary - awaiting a congregation to fill it with Praise!
Our pianist providing a prelude in January 2023.
What should I wear?
Where do I sit?
How will I know what to do?
Our congregation's attire is as varied as our members. While you will see a few who are more comfortable with a more formal look, there are just as many who are content with casual attire. Wear whatever you feel more at ease with. Are you more accustomed to a suit or dress? No problem! More comfortable in polo & khakis? Great! Jeans & t-shirt more your style? Come on in!
There is no assigned seating. Feel free to sit wherever you are most comfortable. If you prefer to sit near the front to avoid distractions or near the back to be closer to the exit, you are welcome. And let's face it: even if you DO sit in the seat that Great Aunt Matilda has been sitting in for the last 90 years, she will be okay with sitting in a different row and she won't try to chase you out.
When to stand up and sit down is always a concern when trying a new service. If this makes you nervous, you can just follow the lead of those around you. During our congregational singing you are invited to join others in standing or remain seated - however you feel led or are able. You will see people doing both and neither is frowned upon.
What about giving?
What about Communion?
What if there is a special event?
What am I expected to participate in?
This can be summed up in one sentence: what are you comfortable with?
Okay... some more detail to set your mind at ease...
Offering: newcomers should never feel expected or obligated to contribute to an offering - whether it is the regular Sunday morning offering or a special one collected for an event. Your giving is between you and God. If you came prepared to give, we are happy to receive it. If not - it's okay! We would much rather have your presence than your monies. Our offering is collected before the service in a basket just inside the Sanctuary doors. We also have a secure online platform for giving, if you are more comfortable with that.
Communion: we typically celebrate communion about once a month. Our actual practice varies between coming forward to receive the bread & juice or remaining in the pews and having it passed down the aisles. The Pastor will always let the Congregation know ahead of time what is expected. We practice "Open Communion" at PFMC. What this means is that you do not have to be a member of our church to participate. If your heart is right with God, you are welcome to join us. If you do not feel comfortable participating, no one will be judging you for that.
Special Events: feel free to join us! We occasionally have a special dinner after the morning service and we would be thrilled if you would stay and eat with us! It doesn't matter if you didn't bring any food. If there's one thing we never run out of, it's food at a dinner. (We have some excellent cooks - you would be doing yourself a disservice to miss out!) Special speakers? Special musicians? Stay and join us!
Again, as always, you know what you are comfortable with.
Christmas Dinner 2022
I have kids! What do I do with them?
We would love to have them with us in the service!
A group of our elementary kids painting quilt blocks at VBS 2022.
You will see children of every age in our Congregation - from newborn babies up to high school teens. We always prefer to have the kids with us in the service - watching those around them and learning from an early age how to participate. Just before the sermon we invite the children up through Elementary age to go to the C.E. Wing for Children’s Church - a special time of learning just for them. If your children would like to participate, they are always welcome. If they would rather not, that is okay as well.
Do you have a little one getting fussy, restless, or loud enough you feel it might be disturbing those around you? We understand. Most of the parents in the room have had to take their child out of the service at one point or another and you should never feel embarrassed to do so. For your convenience there is a Nursery down the hall on the right side. Feel free to make use of it if you need to step out of the service for a few minutes.
If you need to remain outside the Sanctuary for a while, we do feed the audio of the service into the Nursery speakers. You can also pull up the live feed of the sermon on our Facebook page and watch the service on your mobile device until you are able to rejoin us.
Once you feel you and your child are ready to return to the service, come on back in.
For your peace of mind, all of our volunteers who work with minors at any level have yearly background checks done by both the Indiana State Police and by Child Protective Services.