News from the Pews

Keeping the Church Family Safe

A Note from the Pastor:

Our Board of Bishop has suggested that we take several step to reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 and germs in general for the next few weeks.

We will be having church.  But we will need to make some changes.  We do not know how long these changes will last.  We are not overly concerned, but as followers of Christ, we should do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19. 

  1. Greeters will not be shaking hands and sanitizer will be available as always in the foyer.  It is suggested that no one shake hands.  Greeters will also try to open the doors for everyone so that fewer people touch the handle.

  2. We will not be passing a plate between people to take up an offering.  We will have a basket for you to drop your offering in as you enter and exit the sanctuary.  We hope to have envelopes addressed to the church for individuals to take home as soon as possible so they can mail in their offering if they decide to self-quarantine or are ill.  It is easy to forget that we have ministries and bills that have to be paid even if we don't make it to church.  I would encourage you to send your tithe or offering in weekly if you are not able to attend. Our church address is, P.O. Box 538, Petersburg, IN 47567

  3. Do not come to church if you are sick or your children are sick in any way or if you have been exposed to anyone who may have the COVID-19 virus.

  4. We will not be having anyone providing nursery care this week and possibly until school is back in session.  You are encouraged to take babies out of the sanctuary if they become overly distracting.  You may use the nursery, but it would be better to just go to the fellowship hall. Also remember that when the nursery is available, it is only for children under five unless they are with a parent.

  5. We will do everything in our power to sanitize the church between services.  The COVID-19 virus can live 6 days on wood but is probably not contagious for the entire six days.  So the church will have plenty of time between services to be sanitized.

  6. I will be having church on our Facebook page live at the normal time even if no one shows up to the building except me.  The church will not cancel services unless instructed to do so by the CDC or governmental authorities.  If you are over 60 or have a compromised immune system it is best to avoid contact and you may want to consider staying home and watching on Facebook.

  7. We will try to make contact with each person through phone, text, email or other non-direct method for a wellness check and to provide any information that we have.

We will have a board meeting after church Sunday and make changes as new information and developments are made known.

God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-discipline.  Make wise choices as your circumstances dictate, but we don't need to panic, buy all the toilet paper, bread, milk, Lysol and ammunition in the store and hide in our basements.  Common sense and calm minds guided by the Word of God and the Spirit of God will give us victory.

Pastor Mark (03/14/20)